Forum Agenda 19.09.2024
Room G27.218
Room G17.211
Room G27.215
Room G17.216
8:00 - 9:00 Welcome Coffee
9:00 - 9:30 Opening Niko Kaintantzis
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee & Networking
Organizational Economics Beyond Business Agility
Dr. Thorsten Janning
SAFe® Fellow & KEGON Partner
Driving SAFe® Transformation: Leadership Lessons from Porsche
Malte Luik
Enterprise Lean-Agile Coach, LACE SPC, SAFe® Methodologist
Andreas Gross
Enterprise Lean-Agile Coach, LACE SPC, SAFe® Methodologist
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch & Networking
Why Team Stability is the Answer to Getting Hardware Product Developments Done
Ali Hajou
Agile Nerd, SPCT, Transformation Architect, and Partner at Avant Edge B.V.
Agile Organisations-entwicklung in der Praxis
Karin Schnyder Aslan
Transformation Management, AXA
Yvonne Lange
Head Business Process & Information Management, AXA
SAFe® in einer öffentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel der Dienststelle Informatik des Kantons Luzern
Benjamin Müller
Release Train Engineer und Bereichsleiter Projektmanagement, Dienststelle Informatik Kanton Luzern
14:15 – 14:45 Coffee & Networking
The Future of Leadership: Micro Habits for Better Teamwork
Denniz Dönmez
Agile Coach, Swisscom & enabling structures
Rafael Huber
promovierter Psychologe und Neurowissenschaftler, Swisscom
14:45 – 16:00
HW Circle
Nur auf Einladung