Forum Vorträge 2024


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Future thinking in an Agile world

Inbar Oren, Chief Product Officer at Scaled Agile, Inc.
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Organizational Economics Beyond Business Agility

Dr. Thorsten Janning, KEGON AG
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The Path to Hardware Agility

Maarit Laanti, PhD, SAFe® Fellow & SPCT
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Leadership Hiding in Plain Sight

Shane Harrison, Angel Investor, Business & Agile Leadership Coach
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Why Team Stability is the Answer to Getting Hardware Product Developments Done

Ali Hajou, SPCT, Transformation Architect & Partner at Avant Edge B.V.
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Empowering SAFe® with Platform Engineering for Fast Flow

Romano Roth, Chief of DevOps, Zühlke
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Künstliche Intelligenz und die Ökonomie des Flows: Teslas Weg zur Spitzenagilität

Vortrag von Kurt Jäger, KEGON AG.

Presentation by Kurt Jäger, KEGON AG.
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The Future of Leadership: Micro Habits for Better Teamwork

Denniz Dönmez, Agile Coach, Swisscom & enabling structures and Rafael Huber, PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience, Swisscom
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SAFe® in einer öffentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel der Dienststelle Informatik des Kantons Luzern

Benjamin Müller, Release Train Engineer & Bereichsleiter Projektmanagement, Dienststelle Informatik Kanton Luzern
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Impact finanzieren, nicht Output

Jérôme Koller, Bereichsleiter Unternehmensstrategie & Projektportfolio, Mobiliar
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Navigating Agile Waters

Linda Heldner, Release Train Engineer, and Rania Steiner, Release Train Engineer, V-ZUG AG
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